Nothing more satisfying than a growing discipleship relationship with the men in our own church. After five Act Like Men “serious as a heart attack” Sunday-night discipleship events – this is how the faithful attenders from September ’15–May ’16 rewarded each other – with an Act Like Men Palooza, dubbed “the greatest event in human history.” And it did not disappoint.
Starting this fall, we hope to nearly double our attendance and allow five churches to apprentice with us over the five scheduled Sunday nights – September 11, 2016; November 6, 2016; January 22, 2017; March 5, 2017; May 7, 2017 – thereby qualifying to attend next year’s Palooza on June 9-11, 2017.
Let us know if you want to participate in this men-all-out-for-Christ-stoking event. You won’t regret it. Apply to participate by contacting, and we will send you a form to express your interest. First come first serve . . .
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